About Us - Best Online Pet Supplies Store

It all started when Buddy, a bundle of joy wrapped in fur, walked into our life during the tough times of the global pandemic. Buddy’s infectious enthusiasm brought joy to our lives and made the lockdown bearable. He became the sunshine of our isolated life. Buddy wasn’t just a pet; he was an inseparable part of our cute little child’s life.

Raising Buddy from a puppy was joyful and challenging. Taking care of Buddy made us realize how tough it may be for pet parents to get fresh, authentic, high-quality dog foods, cat foods, grooming products, and pet supplements for their beloved pet child. We had many bad experiences getting outdated and duplicate pet products from leading e-commerce stores. Many of our friends had a similar experience buying pet product supplies from third-party sellers. Pets are like our children and they love us unconditionally. How can we allow it to happen again and again? Then we embarked on a journey to start an e-commerce platform to ease the effort of pet parents, where they can purchase fresh, authenticated, and premium quality pet products procured directly from the manufacturers or manufacturer’s supply chain. And so, Wagging Master – Dog and Cat Food Supplies in India was born.

Wagging Master isn’t just a pet brand; It honours the extraordinary connection that exists between people and their animal companions. The brand’s logo, a silhouette of Buddy wearing a golden crown, represents how pets are the rulers of every pet lover’s heart. Every product in our collection is chosen with the same care that we shower on Buddy.

Wagging Master isn’t just about pet products; it’s about a community of Pet Parivar who recognize pets’ significant influence on our lives. We believe in the power of pets to combat loneliness, providing you with a fulfilling and rewarding experience. It’s a reminder that in the company of our furry friends, there’s always a reason to celebrate togetherness.

From the Director’s Desk

I welcome all of you to our store, Wagging Master, where tails wag and feathers flutter with excitement! Being a Pet Parent myself, I express high regard for Pet lovers for taking the road filled with warmth as well as challenges. In a world filled with complexities, a Pet’s desire to be loved reminds us of the simple joys in life. Let’s embrace this precious bond and cherish the unwavering affection of your furry friend. Let they remain a constant source of happiness and comfort!

Mission & Vision - Wagging Master

As passionate pet parents, we are motivated by a mission to fulfill all your beloved pet’s needs with our innovative products and services. Making a difference in the lives of animals has always been our priority at our pet supplies store. We are dedicated to making sure that more animals can live long, healthy, and contented lives with kind and devoted human companions.

Our commitment to advancing the well-being and care of our cherished animal friends informs every choice we make and every good or service we provide.  Let us be your partner in creating lasting memories and unbreakable bonds with your furry companions. Together, we’ll make your pet’s world a happier and healthier place. Join us in our quest to build a world where every pet has a loving, happy, and everlasting home.